Joopie é uma monstrinha que tem medo do escuro. Todas as noites fica de olhos abertos, escondida debaixo dos lençóis. Certa noite, à procura da mãe, Joopie cai para dentro do mundo digital, numa aventura cheia de gentis amigos, furiosos inimigos, e inimagináveis perigos. Joopie aprende que nem todos os monstrinhos são assustadores. Este é o primeiro livro do Artista Gabriel Abrantes, escrito e ilustrado com muito carinho para os mais pequeninos.
Once upon a time there was a little monster named Joopie, who was afraid of the dark. Every night she would hide, wide-eyed, under her sheets. One night, she ran out of her room screaming for her mom, but only found her mom’s magic screen. Joopie turned it on, and was instantly pulled down into the digital world. What followed was an adventure full of virtual friends, fantastic webs, and evil trolls, maybe just enough to make Joopie no longer scared of the dark. Joopie is the first book for kids written and illustrated by Gabriel Abrantes.
52 pages
Hardcover, 170 × 240 mm
ISBN 978-989-33-1080-9
Published by Artificial Humors
Recommended for ages 4 and up.